Nigella Seed (Black Cumin), Ground
"Black Cumin Seed" is a common name for Nigella sativa, or black seed. It is not related to the spice cumin (Cuminum gyminum,) though a "black" version of cumin also exists. This can be confusing! The nigella plant is native to western Asia, the Middle East, and southern Europe, though most cultivation for the spice market happens in India. The plant is a hardy annual, with seed pods that must be gathered before they fully ripen and burst, expelling the fine black seeds inside.
Nigella seeds are very small and black and are often confused with onion seeds. Their flavor is peppery, and they are often used as a pepper substitute. They are used in Asian cucumber salads. Cooks who don't have nigella will substitute black sesame seeds here, but Nigella is preferred!
Quick recipe:
- 2 medium cucumbers, sliced thin
- 1/4 cup rice vinegar
- 1 tablespoon dark sesame oil
- 1 tablespoon sugar
- 1 teaspoon salt + additional to taste
- 2 tablespoons nigella
Just mix together, chill and serve!
Origin: India
Flavor profile: Warm, peppery, and slightly bitter with herbal undertones
Storage: Keep in an airtight container in a cool, dry place
2 oz / 56.7 g resealable zipper bag