Cinnamon, Saigon, Ground
Not all cinnamon is the same! Who knew? On the spice market, you can find Ceylon, Indonesian (Korintje), Chinese, Saigon, and Malabar. All are made from the bark of small, aromatic, tropical trees of the genus Cinnamomum. The only difference is in the specific species of the cinnamon tree! Ceylon cinnamon is often considered "true cinnamon," with the others called "cassia cinnamon." But of the five main cinnamons, the strongest is Saigon! This is because Saigon cinnamon bark has the highest concentration of the essential oil that gives cinnamon its distinctive spicy bite. We at Inland Empire Spice are content to let the biologists fight over which, if any, of these can claim to be "true" cinnamon. We just know that THIS cinnamon, Saigon cinnamon, is a cut above the rest in aroma, taste, and bite! We proclaim it the cinnamon-iest of cinnamons! We hope you will agree.
2.5 oz resealable zipper bag